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Hunting day

You should be ready to go out and go hunting. You should have your muzzel pointed into a safe direction!!! If you go over hills make sure to unload you gun and reload at the bottom of the last hill! Make sure you gun is on safety till at ALL times. If you have to go over or under a fence make sure you muzzel is pointed in a safe direction on the other side of the fence! Then we you get to your spot make sure that you are very quiet and if you are going into a tree stand make sure you gun is on safety and then tie your gun to a rope that will not make it fall and go up your stand, from there you will pull up you gun and untie it. If you arent in a tree stand then dont worry about it. Now be quiet and watch for your deer. Once you spotted your deer or other game make sure you gun is off safety and aim at your kill, the Shoot! If you dont kill it the first time try again. If your game runs away then move to another spot or wait a few minutes at the spot that you are on.

Onen you have found your kill tag it with your tags then gut it out. Once you have that done call in your kill with the number on the tag and do everything that they ask you to do. Once you have that done if you kill is something you can take to a meat locker then take it there if not you can do it at home if you or someone who lives with you knows how to do it! One thing you shouldnt do especial with deer is letting them hang from a tree for a while becuase really it is ruining the meat! These are the steps for hunting!

Steps to go hunting